
Our Power Generation and Distribution Insurance Program offers comprehensive coverage for a wide range of power generation and distribution facilities on a facultative quota share and excess basis, including buffer layers. The focus is on efficient capacity deployment from a rate on-line and attrition loss management perspective.

Risk Appetitie

  • Preferred Occupancies
    • Gas and Steam Turbine Plant
    • Waste to Energy
    • Nuclear Power Plants Cold Zone (No Nuclear Pools or nuclear peril)
    • Renewable Power includes Wind
    • Solar
    • Solar PV
    • Concentrating Solar Plant
    • Hydroelectric
    • Anaerobic Digestion
    • Biofuels
    • Geothermal
    • Battery Storage


  • Limited Appetite

    Transmission & Distribution lines to be restricted as per LSW 1635 wording.


    Risks which include new, prototype technology such as certain models of gas turbines and biomass conversion plants where there are engineering driven concerns.
  • No Appetite

    Coal fired power plant, Energy upstream or downstream

  • Regional Scope and Capacity

    Worldwide excluding Middle East and North Africa, US, Canada, Japan, Mexico & Caribbean Islands


    Capacity of USD $25 million

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