
Our Property Insurance aims to provide comprehensive coverage on a quota share and excess basis, along with buffer layers where capacity deployment is optimised from a rate on-line and attrition loss management standpoint. The plan focuses on efficient use of capital while maintaining vigorous risk management practices.

Risk Appetitie

  • Preferred Occupancies
    • Airport terminal buildings

    • Commercial complexes

    • Stadiums

    • Sports Complexes

    • Engineering centres

    • Telecommunication Companies Ports & Terminals

    • Automobile

    • Heavy metal industries

    • Pharma & Food Industry

    • Cement plants, Chemical and related manufacturing plants, Desalination & Water treatment plants

    • Electrical appliances

    • Component Manufacturing, Semi-conductors, Glass manufacturing plants, Sugar manufacturing

    • Mining (open pit)

    • Chemicals


  • Limited Appetite

    Cotton wool factories, wood wool factories

    Textile mills (cotton batting, spinning and storage)
    Rag factories

    Petrol storage, tank farms storing petrol other than petrol, stations

    Paints factories, plastics, caverns, tunnels, and any property contained therein

    Tyre manufacturing

  • No Appetite

    Fireworks factories


    Underground mines

    Standalone warehouses

  • Regional Scope and Capacity

    Worldwide excluding Middle East and North Africa, US, Canada, Japan, Mexico & Caribbean Islands


    Capacity of USD $25 million

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